Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

4 Subjects

Discussion week 2

Discussion Week 2

Q 1.Do you agree with this statement “Transformational leadership is the most effective form of leadership” (explain why you agree with this statement or disagree with this statement) 2.Discuss your views on servant leadership; do you think it can be applied to a for-profit organization? Why or why not? 3. Discuss your opinion of Authentic Leadership; can a person really ever learn to be an authentic leader or is a leader born with the traits that make up authentic leadership?

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Yes, I definitely agree with the statement. Transformational leaders are those who set examples by showing determination, dedication, honesty, reacting calmly in the face of adversities, and promoting shared visions and goals. The followers of such leaders tend to be the most satisfied when compared to other forms of leadership. Most transformational leaders are compassionate, empathetic, and encourage creativity and innovation among their followers.